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Please note that this survey will close on 18-July-2024
Please contact Karen Delahoy at karen.delahoy@thetradenews.com / +44 (0)20 7397 3826 for any assistance.
Thank you for your interest in The TRADE 2024 Execution Management Systems Survey.
This survey is now closed. However we encourage you to return for The TRADE 2024 Execution Management Systems Survey.
For further information please contact Karen Delahoy: karen.delahoy@thetradenews.com / +44 (0)20 7397 3826
About Yourself
* Name
* Email
* Job Function
* Country where you are based
About Your Organisation
* Name of your organisation
  Approximate total value of assets (billions USD)
  Primarily what type of firm are you? Hedge Fund
Long Only Manager
  What type of clients do you have? HNWIs and Wealth Managers
Institutions (e.g. pension funds)
Institutions and Retail
About Your Use of Execution Management Systems
  1. What percentage of the following securities do you trade electronically?  Crypto
 Fixed Income
 Foreign Exchange
 Listed Derivatives (Futures and options)
 Other (please specify)
  2. Which of the following markets do you trade electronically? Europe
North America
Middle East & Africa
Rest of World
  3. Do you connect for electronic trading using A single multi-broker, multi asset-class EMS
Multiple single broker and/or single asset class EMS's
Links to brokers directly from your OMS
Links to trading venues directly from your internal systems
Other (please specify):
* 4. Which of the following EMS systems do you use regularly for electronic trading (maximum=six)?
Adroit Trading Technologies
BME Inntech
Broadridge EMS
Charles River A State Street Company
Instinet Newport
Matrix Executions
Morgan Stanley Passport
Portware Enterprise, a FactSet Trading Solution
SS&C Eze EMS (RealTick)
Trading Technologies (TT Platform/AxeTrader)
TS Imagine TradeSmart
UBS Pinpoint
Virtu Triton EMS
Other (please specify):
About the EMS Systems You Use
  5. Of the following, what are the four most important features of Execution Management Systems from your perspective?

Number of connections to different executing brokers

Breadth of asset class coverage within a single EMS

Breadth of direct connections to Execution Venues(e.g. Dark Pools, TradeWeb (for fixed income), FXAll (for foreign exchange) etc.)

Breadth of broker provided algorithmic trading options available

Ease of use

Timeliness of implementation of revisions/updates/extensions to broker algorithmic trading suites and venue changes

Connectivity to and integration with your internal systems

FIX capabilities including adml

Low latency

Global coverage

Client Service

Integration with order management system

  6. For the Execution Management Systems you have selected in section 4, please rate their capabilities in terms of the features itemized below.
      (Each feature should be rated on the following scale: 7-Excellent; 6-Very Good; 5-Good; 4-Satisfactory; 3-Unsatisfactory; 2-Weak; 1-Very weak)

a) Reliability and availability of the EMS

b) Latency

c) Client service personnel (responsiveness and effectiveness)

d) Ease-of-Use

e) Handling of releases of new versions (implementation process and training)

f) Breadth of broker provided algorithmic trading options available

g) Timeliness of updating in response to broker and venue changes

h) FIX capabilities

i) Breadth of asset class coverage within the EMS

j) Breadth of direct connections to brokers and execution venues (e.g. Dark Pools, TradeWeb (for fixed income), FXAll (for foreign exchange) etc.)

k) Product development and innovation - communication, planning and delivery

l) Ease of integration with other internal systems and adoption of interop standards (FDC3)

m) Overall cost of operation

  7. For your most-used providers, which of the following asset classes are traded electronically?
Asset Class
Fixed Income
Foreign Exchange
Listed Derivatives (Futures and options)
Other (please specify)
Future Activity
  8. Do you expect to make use of additional EMSs in the next twelve months?
  300 character maximum, incl spaces

  9. Do you expect to change any of your existing EMS providers in the next twelve months?
  300 character maximum, incl spaces

  10. What additional capabilities would you like to see from providers of EMSs?
  300 character maximum, incl spaces

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